My second trimester has been a whirwind as well. It's been smooth sailing, no complaints, feeling wonderful and of course... growing :)
I was so relieved to hit the 12 week mark because after 12 weeks my morning sickness and other issues I was having were completely gone. I could now sit back and enjoy watching my belly grow and anticipate the first time feeling her move.
Since we knew it was a girl, it was so fun to begin to call the baby "her" "she" "baby girl" and of course "Charlotte." I began looking at bedding, cribs, changing tables, rocking chairs, and decor to start the process of putting her nursery together. We ordered all of the furniture during this second trimester period and most recently it has arrived and we've began to put it all together. Pictures will be posted once room is completely finished :)
My entire second trimester was during this summer so I couldn't complain on how I was feeling but I did complain of the heat. It was SUPER hot and carrying an extra little body in your body doesn't make it any easier to cool off. I did a lot of swimming and staying in doors catching up on good reads.
I also took a trip for work to NYC for a week to study at the Reading Insitute at Teacher's College, Columbia University. Going 20 weeks pregnant to NYC... I wouldn't recommend but it was a life changing experience. It also led me up to the east coast closer to my BFF Gina who had just moved to Charlottesville, VA. Since she is pregnant as well and I've been missing her so much, I flew from NYC to VA for a few days to visit, see her new home and city and of course... talk BABY TALK! We had so much fun and I will forever remember that special trip of visiting her. She has been my bestest friend since our freshman year in high school. We've shared everything together! From living in the same neighborhood, making the cheerleading squad together after our freshman year, both pledging Tri Delt in college and then planning our weddings pretty close to one another... we are now sharing the most amazing experience of all... Motherhood! I was completely thrilled when she returned from her long trip to Europe with her hubby that they were expecting as well and not only that 5 WEEKS after me!!! At the time of visiting her, we didn't know what she was having but now we know... and we have one more thing to share... we will have two beautiful girls that will hopefully grow up to be best friends as well.
20 Weeks and 16 Weeks |
Once I came back to Texas I was able to go and visit my oldest friend that I've known. Mary and I have been friends since we were going into the first grade. She lived across the street from me growing up and she is almost like a sister. We've gone from being childhood friends, to planning our weddings together, to now motherhood. She just had her first baby July 3rd and it was a beautiful baby girl. Noelle Elizabeth Frady. I spent two days visiting her and we had so much fun reminicing our childhood and imagining our little girls one day playing with our dolls while we watch :)
Meeting Noelle for the first time... she was only 2 weeks old |
Her precious little expressions... or as Mary calls it, "talking to the angels" :) |
After literally traveling and being away from home for 3 weeks, I was due for my 4th doctors appt. This was supposed to be my 20 week appt where they go over all of the organs, body systems, check gender again, and make sure everything is forming correctly. Since I had been traveling, this was technically 22 weeks for me. The appt was on July 16th. Everything was perfect! It was an *extra* special appt again because not only did Drew come but my Mom was able to come and see Charlotte moving on the screen. We were so thrilled to see our baby girl for the 4th time and hear her beautiful little heart beating.
22 Weeks, our little Charlotte |
Around 18 weeks, I felt Charlotte kick and move for the first time it wasn't very strong and no one could feel it but me but as the weeks have continued I have felt her even more. She is now kicking daily and Drew felt her for the first time after returning from my traveling. My other family members have also started to feel her kick. I just fall in love with her even more every time I feel her.
As summer is coming to an end, so is my second trimester. I had my last appt (5th in my pregnancy) last week on August 14th (and last appt during 2nd trimester!) It was my glucose appt where I had to drink a sugary mixture to test my blood sugar levels for gestational diabetes. Luckily, I passed and can continue to eat dessert & sweets. Did I mention that I constantly crave desserts & sweets??? They are my new best friends! But in moderation of course :)
I will now be entering in my third and last trimester next week! I cannot believe how fast it has flown by. I will now go to the doctor every two weeks up until the last month when I will go every week. School begins next Monday and I just had my very first baby shower on Saturday (more later on it!) Fun and exciting times are ahead but I always want to remember these last 6 months because they truly have been life changing and the most amazing experience of my life. Only 3 more months until our sweet little girl will be here. We can't wait!!