I can't believe that I'm already 31 weeks and in my third trimester. Time is flying by so fast it's almost as if you blink it's soon going to be over and I will no longer be pregnant but holding my sweet sweet girl.
Since my last post, lots of things have been happening in the Dueitt house. Such as:
1. We have the nursery ALMOST complete!! We have all the furniture assembled and we are waiting now on the bedding from my Mom (she will bring it on Friday!) Yippee! We still need to hang pictures, wall hangings, etc and get the wicker rocking chair cushions recovered.
2. Nesting has officially set in! I have been cleaning the house like a mad woman and scheduling: pest control, a carpet cleaner, a maid to come DEEP clean, and decorating for fall. I just love FALL! And it's super exciting that I won't decorate my house again until AFTER Charlotte gets here!! So crazy!
3. I started back to work... BOO on that one. I do have to say that it is making the time go by faster and when you work with a fabulous team who've become some of your best friends... it's not really that bad. I just am SO TIRED all the time and literally out of breath. Some days are harder than others but I just take it day by day. Luckily, my class is the BEST I've ever had so it makes things easier.
4. I'm getting larger... larger... and larger. Technically, I've only gained about 12/13 lbs which is unbelievable to me, since I thought I was already closer to 20 but wow, I guess I am doing great :) My doctor said I could drink milkshakes and have dessert and not feel guilty... umm wish I had known that so I could have indulged more :)
5. A couple weeks ago we went to Louisiana for Drew's cousin's wedding reception and I ended up with food poisoning and had to be admitted to the ER because I was severely dehydrated and we were worried about baby girl. Everything turned out okay and it was scary but I'm fine and she is too :)
6. I'm now going to the doctor every 2 weeks. It's so fun! I LOVE going to the doctor. In fact, we just had our 3D/4D sonogram and video... (next post!)
7. We had our maternity pictures with the AMAZING Aubrey Torrey Photography. She's posted 2 pictures as a sneak peek on FB but I can't wait until she posts more on her blog. Hopefully soon I can share with all of you her amazing work. I just love them already!
8. Drew and I are counting down the days for our sweet girl to arrive... only a few more weeks baby girl. Technically 9 but I'm secretly hoping she comes a little early. I can't wait to hold her. My impatience is setting in and I dream about the moment when I get to meet my little girl.
My 2nd baby shower is this coming Saturday. I'm so excited and blessed to have wonderful family members on my side & Drew's that love spoiling us. I will blog all about it once it happens. More importantly, I'm excited for all my family to be in town celebrating. My two sisters, my niece, Mom, mother in law, and sister in law will all be here this weekend... seriously. can't. wait!
Buddy Sims
1 day ago
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