Today was my last doctor appt! I can't even believe that my baby girl will be here SO SOON. We were originally planning to schedule it on Thursday, November 8th but with a few hospital dates mishaps we have now scheduled her birthday for...
She will be here next Tuesday, November 6th!! I can't believe this time next week I will have a two day old. Drew and I have to be at the hospital at 10 am and she will be here close to 12/noon. We toured the hospital today after our appt and I honestly can say that I'm 100% ready for her.
This weekend as Drew and I enjoy our last weekend for the rest of our lives without a baby... we have plans to go to a movie, out to dinner and get lots of rest.
Charlotte Grace,
We are so ready for you little princess! Can't wait to snuggle you up soon! I love you so so much.
Buddy Sims
1 day ago
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