Wednesday, January 9, 2013

TWO Months

My precious Charlotte,

Another month has come and gone and I still can't believe how big you're getting. You have turned into the cutest, smiliest, most alert little girl. When did my baby turn into a big girl?? You're constantly keeping me on my toes everyday with your adorable facial expressions and little personality. Speaking of personality... it's really starting to show! You LOVE to smile :) I love when you turn your little head towards me if I start talking when someone else is holding you. That completely melts my heart. You love your Daddy and instantly calm down the minute he picks you up if you're fussy. And, you've started to notice your future BFF Lucy. If only I could hear what is going on in your little brain. I have loved this past month and I can't wait to see you change more and grow as the days go on. I love you so much little angel.


2 month Stats

Weight: 11.8 lbs (my growing chunky monkey!)
Length: 22 inches
Head: 15 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively and going about 2.5-3 hour stretches during the day and about 3.5-4 hour stretches at night (still not sleeping through the night but we're working on that!) You also have become more efficient with nursing within the past week from 20 minutes on each side to about 10-12 on each side.
Bedtime: normally when we go to bed however we've started a bedtime routine where we bathe you, put you in your pjs, swaddle, nurse and then read a little book and rock. You'll normally fall asleep quickly and we put you in your swing while Daddy and I eat dinner, watch tv and have our time together. We've tried putting you in your bassinet in our room when we're still up but I think you know that you are alone because you wake up every time so that's why we've put you in your swing to nap until your feeding before we go to sleep. We will get there soon I hope! (I'm also not ready to have you in your own room yet... maybe next month).
Awake: after each feeding during the day for about 45 min. That is normally your "play" time and we will have tummy time or play on your activity mat and sometimes in your swing.
Naps: typically will take 2 good naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with several little cat naps throughout the day.
Diapers: size 1
Clothes: 0-3 months and 3 months
Favorites: your swing, paci, being swaddled, snuggling with mama and daddy, your sister lucy, car rides and strolling in your stroller (the little time we've used it this month), your activity mat, and being rocked and bath time :)
Latest Tricks: smiling all the time, laughing here and there, kicking your legs and moving your arms (we like to do the YMCA), cooing, and you actually rolled over 2 days after Christmas. I know... I know... it was a complete accident. You were having tummy time and you scooted forward with your arms and rolled over! I wish I had my camera!

You are wearing a very special dress that belonged to your Aunt Amy when
she was a baby and the sweater was your Grammy's that she wore when she
was a baby.


  1. That smile! What a cutie :) I totally dreaded putting Arden in her own room, but I have to say that once we did it felt awesome! We regained some normalcy not having to tip toe around at bedtime. Of course, I still sneak into her room at least once a night just to look at her :)

  2. Wes is almost 7 months and I'm still not ready for him to be away from me! He won't want to be with us forever, so I figure there is no rush. Do what works for you, Mama :)


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