Monday, March 18, 2013

4 Months

Baby Girl,
On March 6th you turned 4 months. Time is just going by TOO fast. You amaze me every day because you are constantly taking in more and more and growing like a weed. You are intersted in everything around you, you like to hold on to anything and grab things, you have noticed Lucy, and you smile back at mama and daddy all the time. You are the happiest baby I know! I want to time to freeze because I just love this stage so much! It's so hard to imagine that just 4 months ago you came into this world and at the same time I feel like I've known you forever. I love you to the moon and back my little sweet pea.
4  month Stats
Weight: 15 lbs
Length: 24 1/2 inches
Head: 16 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively 6-7 times a day. We go the go ahead to start rice cereal but we haven't started yet. I might in a few weeks...
Bedtime: we are still following your bedtime routine of nursing, bath, lotion/massage, pjs and then nursing again before I rock you to sleep. You are not sleeping through the night yet... still waking about 1-2 times. However, just recently you have started the "4 month sleep regression" and EVERYTHING is out of whack! I was up one night 9 times with you and nursing every 45 minutes. We are about to start sleep training because Mama is going a little NUTS (all about this in another post coming soon!)
Awake: You are awake now about an hour and a half to two hours after eating during the day and your naps are getting shorter. You definitly have continued to follow eat, play, sleep and you love to play with Mama on the floor, look at Lucy, sit in your bumbo or kick your legs in the air. You still love to swing in your swing and recently jump in your jumperoo.
Naps: typically will take 2 good naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with several little cat naps throughout the day.
Diapers: size  3
Clothes: 3 months and 3-6 months and 6 month pjs
Favorites: your swing, laying on a palet on the floor and kicking your legs, Lucy, Mama and Daddy, your crunchy sound toys, me singing and reading books to you, your playmat, riding in Mama's sling to the grocery store, going outside, going on walks, bumbo and sitting up any time that you can.
Latest Tricks: smiling all the time, noticing yourself or that adorable baby in the mirror, grabbing EVERYTHING, you found your feet, holding onto your toes, grabbing your paci and pulling it out, rubbing your eyes when you're tired, and sitting up while anyone holds you or in your bumbo.

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