Friday, June 28, 2013

FIVE on Friday!

1. Playdates!
I always love getting together with sweet friends and their babies. On Tuesday and Wednesday we got together with Donna & her sweet little girl, Julia. We went out to lunch, went shopping and then had a day of lounging around the house and letting the girls play. Love the both of you and we had so much fun!
2. Showering Baby TWP!
We can't wait for this sweet boy to arrive in August! Mallory is such a sweet friend and I know that she will make an amazing mama. Baby Williams' name is being kept a secret but they are telling everyone his monogram... TWP! The theme of the shower was "Monograms & Mimosas" how fun is that??
3. Lancôme DRAMA Mascara!
This mascara is AMAZING! You know how there's that saying that goes.... "If you were stranded on an deserted island, what makeup item could you not live without???" Mascara is that for me folks! I LOVE a good mascara. I went into ULTA the other day looking for some nail polish and ended up leaving with new lipstick, new mascara and two colors of polish. Haha! But no seriously, I love this mascara so if you're looking into getting something new for your lashes, this is it!
4. Loft Dress sale!
I was out shopping with C last week and ran into Loft to see what they had new and low and behold this amazing SALE was going on! I love dresses and couldn't believe what a great deal this was... I bought 4! Loft always has the best deals :)
5. My fisherman :)
This was taken a few weeks ago when Drew went to CC to go fishing. Fishing and hunting is his favorite thing to do. In the spring/summer you will find this man out on the water any chance he can get! This was the largest trout that he's ever caught!! Way to go babe!

Join the craze & link up here for FIVE on Friday!


  1. I found your blog on Five on Friday and wanted to say hello! I have been looking for a new mascara and haven't found any I love. I will have to pick that one up when I go to Ulta! Thanks for the tip!
    You're daughter is adorable!

    1. Hi! Thanks for stopping by! You will not be disappointed with the mascara, you will love it! And thank you so much. Your little girl is adorable and how exciting to be expecting a sweet boy :)

  2. I just realized that since I didn't get an email that you replied to my comment you might not see what I just replied to the comment you left on my new post. Here it is:

    "Thanks! I am following you now too! Everyone keeps mentioning how you won't be able to follow blogs on google anymore so I followed you on as well just in case. I'm still relatively new to blogging so I am just learning!

    Monograms are the best! I live in PA and they are not popular at all around here. I don't think I've ever seen another little girl or boy with anything monogrammed. It is the same with big bows and smocked dresses. I love them so, until Autumn is old enough to say she doesn't want to wear them, she will lol I am southern at heart :) "


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