5 Weeks old and cute as a button! |
This was a very eventful week. Charlotte and I left on Sunday for our first road trip! We drove to Seguin to my parent's house (2 hours away) to stay the night. My Mom and I woke up early Monday morning and hit the road with C to Bridgeport, TX (near Dallas/Ft.Worth) to visit my grandmother and aunt. We had a wonderful visit and I'm so blessed to be able to introduce Charlotte to her Great Grandmother who is 98. I will treasure our conversations, pictures and watching her hold and snuggle Charlotte for the rest of my life. She cried so much because she kept saying how this was the most wonderful thing I ever could have given her... time with Charlotte. We stayed until Wednesday and then hit the road to go back to Seguin.
My Mimi with Charlotte... they are 98 years apart! |
Me and my little Christmas rose :) |
Wednesday night after we got back, one of my best friends, Mary, and her baby girl, Noelle, came to meet Charlotte at my mom's house. Mary, Zach and Noelle live in San Marcos (so close to Seguin) and she's been waiting since C was born to meet her. It was so much fun to get our babies together. We had a fun little visit!
Mary and Charlotte |
The next day was Thursday and I was planning to get up, feed Charlotte and then hit the road. But my Grandmother who lives in Seguin where my parents live, really wanted to see Charlotte too. So before I left town, I headed over there to see her one more time and let her hold C. I'm so blessed with longevity in my genes... my sweet Grandmother is 102! I don't know anyone who has both their grandmothers living that are 98 and 102, so blessed :)
Charlotte and Grandmother Wyatt... they are 102 years apart! |
After our little visit, I got Charlotte buckled in her carseat and I was headed out the door to head home. My Grandmother lives in an assisted living and there are lots of curbs and ramps around the building to help the elderly. I was just about to my car (carrying Charlotte in her carseat) when all of a sudden, I twisted my ankle on something near the curb and fell down. I immediately freaked out because I dropped the carseat and I was so worried about Charlotte that I didn't even think about the shooting pains going through my right ankle. Once I realized she was okay, the pains hit me and I started crying. I was scared, shocked and freaked out about what had just happened. I immediately called my Mom and she rushed over to help me. She managed to get us in the car and take me to the Seguin ER.
They X-Rayed my ankle and it turns out that it's fractured! I can't even believe that this happened to me. I'm supposed to be well and be taking care of my 5 week old baby, not have people or Drew take care of me. The reality set it and they fitted me for a walking boot. I was told that it wasn't that bad and the bone hadn't displaced (or moved) so luckily I more than likely wouldn't need surgery. Praise God! I was told to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon within 10 days. We left the ER and headed back to my mom's. My dad followed my mom while she drove my car, all the way back to Katy. Drew met us at the house.
Poor Drew has had to completely take over all responsibilities for Charlotte (except feeding her) and he is taking care of me since I can't walk right now. I had my appt with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he said the same thing. He hopes that it doesn't move and to come back in a week to check the progress.
I pray that I heal quickly, don't need surgery and if everything goes as planned I will hopefully only be in this boot for a month. I PRAY PRAY PRAY that this is the outcome. My mother in law comes tomorrow to help take care of me and C, so Drew can go back to work. What a wild week this has been. So emotionally high and so emotionally low.
Pray that I heal quickly so I can return to care for my baby the way I need to.
My new right shoe... :( |
That would be so scary falling like that! I'm so glad Charlotte is okay, and praying your ankle heals quickly so you can get back to normal!