Thursday, December 6, 2012

ONE Month

Charlotte Grace,
How can you possibly be one month already? I truly believe it feels like yesterday that we were meeting you for the first time in the hospital and we were so excited to take you home. This month has been full of sweet memories. Your Daddy and I grow to love you more and more every day that it doesn't seem possibly that we could love you anymore than we already do... and tomorrow comes and we do! You are growing so fast, starting to notice sounds (Lucy's barks, Mama and Daddy's voices) and your smiles melt our hearts. I cannot possibly think of life without you now, you complete our family. God has truly blessed us with you little one.
Love you with all my heart,
1 Month Stats
Weight: 9 lbs 3 oz (you've gained 2 lbs since our last visit at your 2 week!)
Length: 21 inches
Head: 14.5 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively and going about 3.5-4 hour stretches and nursing on each side for 20 minutes... you are our little piglet :)
Bedtime: still trying to figure this one out...
Awake: always for about 1-1.5 hours after each feeding (unless it's in the middle of the night and I quickly am trying to get in a routine of getting you go to go back to sleep).
Naps: you will usually sleep for around an hour between feedings, but sometimes you will not sleep at all between feedings and sometimes you will sleep the entire stretch between feedings. Just depends!
Diapers: still wearing newborn size... I'm thinking that you are almost ready for size 1 and that tears at my heartstrings... I want you to stay newborn size forever
Clothes: newborn but your little footed onesies are starting to get tight at the toes... I think we have a week or two left before we have to pack them up :( I might shed some tears on that day...
Favorites: eating, cuddling with mama and daddy, being swaddled in your "snuggy" as we call it, your paci, being shushed, being bounced, the swing, your sleep sheep, going on walks and carrides, and lullabies that mama sings to you.
Latest Tricks: smiling at me (especially after you've eaten) and following me and daddy with your eyes :)


  1. Obsessed with your one month frame! How can I get that and copy you one day>

  2. Thank you! I got the frame at Hobby Lobby and the "one month" paper inside I just did on the computer.


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