Saturday, December 15, 2012

5 Weeks and an Unimaginable Accident!

5 Weeks old and cute as a button!
This was a very eventful week. Charlotte and I left on Sunday for our first road trip! We drove to Seguin to my parent's house (2 hours away) to stay the night. My Mom and I woke up early Monday morning and hit the road with C to Bridgeport, TX (near Dallas/Ft.Worth) to visit my grandmother and aunt. We had a wonderful visit and I'm so blessed to be able to introduce Charlotte to her Great Grandmother who is 98. I will treasure our conversations, pictures and watching her hold and snuggle Charlotte for the rest of my life. She cried so much because she kept saying how this was the most wonderful thing I ever could have given her... time with Charlotte. We stayed until Wednesday and then hit the road to go back to Seguin.

My Mimi with Charlotte... they are 98 years apart!

Me and my little Christmas rose :)
Wednesday night after we got back, one of my best friends, Mary, and her baby girl, Noelle, came to meet Charlotte at my mom's house. Mary, Zach and Noelle live in San Marcos (so close to Seguin) and she's been waiting since C was born to meet her. It was so much fun to get our babies together. We had a fun little visit!

Mary and Charlotte
The next day was Thursday and I was planning to get up, feed Charlotte and then hit the road. But my Grandmother who lives in Seguin where my parents live, really wanted to see Charlotte too. So before I left town, I headed over there to see her one more time and let her hold C. I'm so blessed with longevity in my genes... my sweet Grandmother is 102! I don't know anyone who has both their grandmothers living that are 98 and 102, so blessed :)

Charlotte and Grandmother Wyatt... they are 102 years apart!
After our little visit, I got Charlotte buckled in her carseat and I was headed out the door to head home. My Grandmother lives in an assisted living and there are lots of curbs and ramps around the building to help the elderly. I was just about to my car (carrying Charlotte in her carseat) when all of a sudden, I twisted my ankle on something near the curb and fell down. I immediately freaked out because I dropped the carseat and I was so worried about Charlotte that I didn't even think about the shooting pains going through my right ankle. Once I realized she was okay, the pains hit me and I started crying. I was scared, shocked and freaked out about what had just happened. I immediately called my Mom and she rushed over to help me. She managed to get us in the car and take me to the Seguin ER.

They X-Rayed my ankle and it turns out that it's fractured! I can't even believe that this happened to me. I'm supposed to be well and be taking care of my 5 week old baby, not have people or Drew take care of me. The reality set it and they fitted me for a walking boot. I was told that it wasn't that bad and the bone hadn't displaced (or moved) so luckily I more than likely wouldn't need surgery. Praise God! I was told to follow up with an orthopedic surgeon within 10 days. We left the ER and headed back to my mom's. My dad followed my mom while she drove my car, all the way back to Katy.  Drew met us at the house.

Poor Drew has had to completely take over all responsibilities for Charlotte (except feeding her) and he is taking care of me since I can't walk right now. I had my appt with the orthopedic surgeon yesterday and he said the same thing. He hopes that it doesn't move and to come back in a week to check the progress.

I pray that I heal quickly, don't need surgery and if everything goes as planned I will hopefully only be in this boot for a month. I PRAY PRAY PRAY that this is the outcome. My mother in law comes tomorrow to help take care of me and C, so Drew can go back to work. What a wild week this has been. So emotionally high and so emotionally low.

Pray that I heal quickly so I can return to care for my baby the way I need to.

My new right shoe... :(

Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Dream Come True!

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life! I officially started my new career as Charlotte's stay at home mama :) For as long as I can remember, I've wanted to be a wife and a mom. When I was little I used to play with my baby dolls and tell my Mom, "when I grow up I want to be a wife and a mom and that's all!" I'm so blessed that Drew can provide for our family that allows me to stay home without my income.
I stressed and stressed throughout my pregnancy on how I would feel once Charlotte arrived and what it would be like to stay home with her full time. I knew I wanted to but I wanted to wait until she arrived to make that final decision. After being home with her for a month, I can honestly say that I don't regret resigning, I feel relieved and happy and a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I know that many moms have to return to work and I just couldn't bear the thought of that being me and having to leave my sweet daughter in the hands of someone else. I want to be the one that feeds her, changes her diapers, plays with her and witnesses every single moment during this precious time of her early life. It makes me the happiest to know that I can and will be able to do that.
I have loved my job up until giving birth. Being a first grade teacher has been one of the most rewarding experiences. I also feel that it has provided me with some great tools on becoming a mother. It's giving me patience, understanding, and of course I know how to get my baby ready for school and reading! I hope she's reading at an early age like I was and has a passion for reading and books :) My school has been the best school I could ever have imagined working at. Some of my bestest friends are teachers that I've worked with and I will continue to carry those friendships into the future. And if someday I return to the classroom, I know that I will have done my first priority... being there for Charlotte when she has needed me the most.
My dream came true yesterday and I can't wait for Charlotte's and my new adventure! Now, my goals are to get connected with some mom groups/play dates and find a local story time. So excited for me and C's future :)


Thursday, December 6, 2012

ONE Month

Charlotte Grace,
How can you possibly be one month already? I truly believe it feels like yesterday that we were meeting you for the first time in the hospital and we were so excited to take you home. This month has been full of sweet memories. Your Daddy and I grow to love you more and more every day that it doesn't seem possibly that we could love you anymore than we already do... and tomorrow comes and we do! You are growing so fast, starting to notice sounds (Lucy's barks, Mama and Daddy's voices) and your smiles melt our hearts. I cannot possibly think of life without you now, you complete our family. God has truly blessed us with you little one.
Love you with all my heart,
1 Month Stats
Weight: 9 lbs 3 oz (you've gained 2 lbs since our last visit at your 2 week!)
Length: 21 inches
Head: 14.5 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively and going about 3.5-4 hour stretches and nursing on each side for 20 minutes... you are our little piglet :)
Bedtime: still trying to figure this one out...
Awake: always for about 1-1.5 hours after each feeding (unless it's in the middle of the night and I quickly am trying to get in a routine of getting you go to go back to sleep).
Naps: you will usually sleep for around an hour between feedings, but sometimes you will not sleep at all between feedings and sometimes you will sleep the entire stretch between feedings. Just depends!
Diapers: still wearing newborn size... I'm thinking that you are almost ready for size 1 and that tears at my heartstrings... I want you to stay newborn size forever
Clothes: newborn but your little footed onesies are starting to get tight at the toes... I think we have a week or two left before we have to pack them up :( I might shed some tears on that day...
Favorites: eating, cuddling with mama and daddy, being swaddled in your "snuggy" as we call it, your paci, being shushed, being bounced, the swing, your sleep sheep, going on walks and carrides, and lullabies that mama sings to you.
Latest Tricks: smiling at me (especially after you've eaten) and following me and daddy with your eyes :)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Week 3

Meeting Santa for the first time!

Little Charlotte,

What a special week this was! Not only did you get to meet Santa for the first time, go out to eat dinner with Mama and Daddy for the first time, but your Aunt Amy came to visit for a few days!
We had been anticipating her little visit since you were born. She was sooo excited to come. We did a lot of shopping and snuggling. I was sad to see her leave today but I know she will be back soon. Here are some tidbits of this week!

-Mama braved her first outing ALONE with you to Target, it was a success!
-You met Santa for the first time
-Went shopping at Katy Mills and Memorial City Mall two days in a row.. we were POOPED by the time we got home.
-You had your first visit to the American Girl Store! Mama literally almost cried walking around in there with you because she was reminded of her childhood of playing with her Kirsten doll. I can't wait to buy you first one and have tea parties in the bistro :)
-Your first night out for dinner with Mama and Daddy was at one of our favorites... Lupe Tortilla
-Aunt Amy came to visit for a few days
-Your birth announcements came in the mail and Mama is working hard on getting those mailed out

What a wonderful week it's been. I can't bear the thought of my next post being your ONE MONTH week. How can that possibly be??

Love you little one,

Aunt Amy loves you so much

AGS with my girl!

Dressed up so cute to go shopping :)

Wide eyed and adorable

You melt my heart little one

Sunday, November 25, 2012

2 Weeks!

Baby Girl,

Two weeks! How can that be??? You are still as sweet as ever and Mama can't stop kissing those sweet cheeks. Grammy went home on Sunday and Grandma Jann came on Monday. It was nice to have one night alone with just Mama and Daddy in between the grandma's but we were ready to have a little bit more help before we are forever on our own.

Grandma Jann helped cook, clean and snuggle you all week. It was also Thanksgiving! Your very first holiday. Grandpa Al came in town too and they both cooked us a delicious meal. You mostly slept all day but maybe it was because you got some of that trytophan from all that turkey :) You did look extra cute in your little outfit that Mama had especially for Thanksgiving. We tried to take more pictures but you just kept on snoozing!

Grandma Jann helped Mama decorate the house for Christmas. It was so much fun to put up the tree this year knowing that this will be the start of many traditions with us as a family. I also had ordered new stockings for the mantle and I absoultely love looking at the one with your name on it :)

Grandma Jann went home on Saturday and Daddy and I have now been on our own. We have been so grateful for all of the help from our families but we are really ready to start our lives on our own with you.

We love you to the moon and back!


Here are some highlights of our 2nd week:
-Another trip to the pediatrican for your 2nd week appt, you are still perfect and only a few oz away from your birth weight. We don't go back now until you're 1 month.
-Two more outings to Babies R Us and one trip to Best Buy
-Your very first walk with Mama and Lucy... you LOVED it and fell asleep quickly
-Lots of snuggle time
-You've had your share of blowouts this week... haha Daddy just laughs when we hear it!
-You still love you bath time but continue to cry when we take you out
-Your umbilical cord has fallen out in several pieces but it's now finally gone (thank goodness!)
-You fall asleep quickly after feeding but you loved to be snuggled/swaddled tightly
-You're still breastfeeding wonderfully and I think we've definitly got our routine down
-You're sleeping sometimes 3 1/2-4 hours between feedings at night... Do we already have a champion on our hands??

Happy Thanksgiving, Love Charlotte

Snoozing with Daddy

Decorated for Christmas

Our Tree

New Stockings

Snoozing while Mama decorated the house... it wears me out!

Just hanging!

Cutest little baby all clean after her bath

She's cold! This picture cracks me up!

First Week

Sweet Charlotte,

Where does the time go? I thought you were born just yesterday and here it has been over a week! Your first week has been filled with lots of adjustments. Grammy has been here to help Mama, Daddy and you establish a routine and get the "hang of things." She's been so great to cook, clean and take care of all of us. We don't want her to leave!

We've done a lot of sleeping, eating, snuggling, rocking, changing diapers but most of all... staring and admiring you. I could do it all day long. You are so perfect and you constantly make the cutest little faces.

Some highlights of your first week have been:
-Getting to know Lucy
-Lucy getting to know you :)
-Your first bath... you really liked it, except you hate to be cold and taken out of the water!
-Taking your newborn pictures (a post on that coming soon!)
-Meeting lots of Mama and Daddy's friends
-Getting adjusted to breastfeeding, it's going great!!
-Making lots of poopie and peepee diapers... we change you all the time :) And sometimes even right after we change you, you dirty your pants again!
-Your first outing was to the pediatrician (you are perfect and almost back to your birth weight) and then a quick trip to Babies R Us and a drive thru quickie at Chick-fil-A for Mama

We love you and can't imagine where we would be without you. You are so sweet!


I love your smiles :)
Party at 3 am :)

Baby burrito!
Getting ready for your first bath
You like it!
Hello World!

Sweet as can be :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Charlotte Grace's Debut

The day finally came... Tuesday, November 6, 2012. We have forever been changed after that beautiful day! Our precious angel arrived at 12:45 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and 18 1/2 inches long. I still can't believe that Charlotte is actually here!

We arrived at the hospital around 10 am and they prepped me for my c-section. The time was flying by and before I knew it, it was time to wheel me into to the operating room. It literally took 5 minutes and they had her out in no time... and then I heard the most beautiful sound. My baby girl crying! Tears flooded Drew's and my eyes and we couldn't stop smiling. The feeling and emotions of hearing your own child for the first time is compared to nothing in the entire world. Once they had her out and had her cleaned up, Drew and I got to admire her for a minute before taking me to recovery and her to the nursery. 10 fingers, 10 toes, precious little features and every inch of perfection!

Once in recovery I was able to feed her for the first time and Drew and I could spend some alone time with our precious girl as now a family of 3. They took her away again for a short time while they wheeled me to my post-partum room where we would be for the next few days. It was then that our family could come in and we could introduce her to everyone. We had MANY visitors that first day. Most of all our family was there... waiting on pins and needles to get a glimpse of her and hold her :)

The next few days already seem like a blur as we were adjusting to feedings every couple of hours, changing diapers, swaddling, more swaddling, more changing diapers and feeding :) I fell in love with Drew all over again in such a different way during that time. Seeing him transform from this amazing husband into the best father was something I'll never forget. Since I had a c-section, I couldn't get out of bed for 24 hours. What a champ he was! He changed all of her diapers, swaddled her and brought her to me every time for feedings. I knew before she was here that he was going to be such a great Daddy, but wow! He's the best!

Friday rolled around and we were finally able to check out and go home. I had dressed Charlotte in my going home outfit, bonnet, booties and blanket that I wore when I came home. It was special to have her wear that and maybe start a tradition someday for her future daughter. After loading up everything, we headed home to our new life. It was very strange to come home after several days, now with a baby. Lucy was sooo excited to see us and meet this new little thing that has arrived in her home. She adjusted very quickly and now loves her so much. It melts my heart.

She is such a precious miracle and joy! I can't imagine now life without her. I thank God everyday for this blessing and will cherish her for the rest of my life.

Welcome to the world Charlotte Grace! It's been waiting for you!

Last picture of a family of 3!

Last bump pic! 38 weeks

Waiting to meet my girl :)

So in love with this wonderful man

She's here!

Seeing her for the first time

First family picture

Sweet girl

Daddy & Charlotte

Another first family picture

Settled in for the next few days

Love my little girl

Going home clothes

The first of many "playing dress up!"

My little doll

Getting ready to go home

On our way!

Meeting Lucy! Our family is complete!
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