Wednesday, February 13, 2013

South Texas Mini Vacation

Last Thursday, Charlotte and I hit the road and headed south to Drew and my hometown, Corpus Christi. We LOVE going to visit to see family and friends and we knew that this would be the perfect weekend to travel because so much was going on.

We arrived on Thursday and went straight to my sister's house. We unloaded everything and got ready for dinner. I met my good friends Natalie & Heather at a local sushi place. I hadn't had sushi since before I was pregnant... WOW... it was AMAZING! I didn't realize how much I had missed it until that first taste. Charlotte was a little fussy from the 3 hour car ride earlier that day but she was glad to see her "aunts." :)

Charlotte & Aunt Natalie
Friday was spent all day with my good friend Lizzie. She and I have known each other since high school and her baby was born in December and she is only 5 weeks younger than Charlotte. We've been on a constant text back and forth since her sweet girl, Genevieve, arrived talking non-stop about babies so it was so fun to get together in person and hang with our littles. We also did a little bit of shopping at some of our local baby boutiques and ate lunch at a CC hotspot, The Surf Club! Ahhh how I had missed their shrimp!
Already holding hands!

This is so fun Ginny!

Future BFFS :)

Backseat babes

Baby Bjorns
Saturday was a JAM packed day! It started with breakfast with my dear friend Kylie, her 5 month old little girl Annie and her 2 year old little boy Charlie. All I can say is that it was WILD!! At one point Charlie was under the table, and both babies were crying. Life has definitely changed since our normal hang outs, but all for the better. Kylie and I have known each other since high school as well. It's so fun to be reconnecting with some of my gals now that we are all mamas.. I just wish SO BADLY that we all lived in the same city :(
Kylie and me and our girls

After breakfast, Charlotte and I quickly headed over to the Carroll high school baseball field. This is Drew's old stomping grounds. For those of you who are Corpus Christians... Drew and I went to rival high schools. Carroll was King's HUGE rival and I never felt comfortable going over there to cheer back in the cheerleading days. But this was for a very special reason. Our dear fried, Cliff Pennington, (I mentioned in another post about him) is a professional baseball player. Before being drafted from college, he played ball with Drew. In fact, the boys have played ball together since they were little boys. The high school was having a special ceremony on Saturday to retire Cliff's baseball number. Drew didn't want to miss it and neither did any of his friends. It was incredibly special to be there for Cliff and it was really fun for Drew to show off Charlotte to his old baseball coach and all of his buddies.
All the boys and their baseball coach

The boys and their womens :)

Cliff, Missy & Brady Pennington

After the ceremony at the field, Charlotte and I headed back to my mother-in-law's to take a nap before the evening festivities began. Another one of Drew's buddies had a birthday party planned for that night. Nick was turning 30! I fed Charlotte and headed over there just as it was getting dark. They had two live bands and a catered dinner. So much fun!! It was so nice to have a little break from little C. I left after a few hours to go home and feed C again (I forgot my pump...) and then headed back over to the party. We had such a fun time! I know Drew especially did being with all of his good friends again... we really miss living in Corpus with everyone.
Me and Teresa.. LOVE this girl!

Happy 30th Nick!

The next morning was Sunday... we headed over to have church with my sister and her family and to hang out at their house for the Superbowl. We love that one of my sister's still lives in Corpus and we get to see them when we come home to visit. My niece and nephew are growing up way too fast... they loved being around Charlotte and hanging out with her (I loved seeing them with her too... when Kaitlyn is with Charlotte it's like deja vu of myself when Kaitlyn was a baby).
Kaitlyn and Charlotte

Dustin and Charlotte... OMG he's going to be 15 this summer! Ahh!

Monday was a fun filled day spent with my sweet sister. Amy had the day off so we shopped all day and lunched. I love spending quality time with her and although we are 12 years apart when we are together it's not like we are so different in age. She is one of my best friends and I just love her so much! Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of her with me and C :(

Charlotte and I had such a fun little mini vacation in CC! We can't wait to go back in a few weeks for one of my dear friend's weddings.

Me and my girl :)

1 comment:

  1. So glad y'all had such a wonderful trip visiting friends and family in CC. If only Annabel and I had been able to join the playdate at Lizzie's house. May can't get here soon enough!!!! XOXO


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