Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Three Months

My little Valentine,
 Again I cannot believe another month has gone by so quickly. You are 3 months old now. WOW!
We've hit some big milestones within the past few days and you amaze me more every single day! Daddy and I are having the time of our lives with you. We are looking forward to lots of exciting events this month.. starting with visiting Daddy's family in Louisiana and meeting all of your cousins and Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather in a few weeks and of course celebrating your first Valentine's Day. We fall in love more and more with you little angel, keep on growing and making us smile.
3  month Stats
Weight: 12.11 (we measured on our friend's scale)
Length: not sure because we didn't visit the dr this month
Head: ?
Eating: still nursing exclusively and going 2.5-3 hours still during the day and a little bit longer at night (still not sleeping through the night!) You are however extremely fast now with nursing... 10 minutes max and you're done :)
Bedtime: we have consistently followed your bedtime routine with nursing around 6:30ish/7, bath, massage, swaddle and nurse again every hour until Mama and Daddy go to bed. We are hoping that it will tank you up and we can get you sleeping longer at night. The longest you sleep is occasionally a 5 hour stretch but consistently it's about 3.5-4 hours.
Awake: you are awake a lot more these days, about an hour to an hour and half after each feeding and then you start rubbing your eyes and get fussy. That's my clue to get you down for a nap or put you in your swing. You LOVE to sit up these days like a big girl. You like your bumbo and sitting in our laps facing outward. You also LOVE the baby bjorn. We've used it to go to the grocery store, target trips, or walking to get the mail.
Naps: typically will take 2 good naps, one in the morning and one in the afternoon, with several little cat naps throughout the day.
Diapers: size 2
Clothes: 0-3 months and 3 months
Favorites: your swing, paci, being swaddled, snuggling with mama and daddy, your sister lucy, car rides and strolling in your stroller, your activity mat, being rocked, bathtime, sitting UP, your bumbo, facing outward in your baby bjorn, sitting in our laps facing out, and mama singing funny songs to you
Latest Tricks: smiling at everyone, sitting UP in your bumbo, rolling over a lot when we put you on your tummy (you just officially did it two days ago), cooing, "talking" and rubbing your eyes to let mama know it's time for a nap.

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