Sunday, February 24, 2013

We've transitioned to the CRIB!

I have been dreading the day that we would eventually transition Charlotte into her crib in her own room. Since the day she was born she has slept by my side and I couldn't bear the thought of her not being there anymore. And secretly that meant too that when she transitioned she really was growing up! :(

She has started to out grow her bassinet and would wake herself up by kicking the bottom or if she would bust out of her swaddle her arms would hit the sides. I hated to see her so uncomfortable so I knew it had to be soon that we transitioned.

I've been trying to put her down in her crib for naps during the day (when we are home during nap time). We've always been on the go and she would nap in her carseat or I would have her in her swing in the living room (she's obsessed!) But I knew for her to become comfortable sleeping in crib at night, we had to start somewhere.. nap time. But she just wouldn't do it. For about two weeks, I would try for at least her morning nap to put her down in there and then BOOM she would wake up and cry. So then I'd start the process over of rocking her to sleep and then trying again. Sometimes I would just give up and put her in her swing because I knew that would work and the poor girl needed to nap.

So this Friday night rolled around and Friday night was going to be THE NIGHT. Whether she was ready or not... we were going to try her crib for night time. So I took the bumpers off of her crib.

Playing in her crib before bath & pjs.. I LOVE this picture. She's my little acrobat.

Hey Mom, we're really going to do this?
We did bath time, lotion, baby massage, read some books, swaddled and nursed and then we were ready for it... bed time! I rocked her to sleep and she drifted off to dream land...
Sleeping peacefully in her crib
After staring at the monitor for a good 2 hours before I headed bed, I felt like I was ready for myself to fall asleep. I checked on her a few times and then decided to rest. Before I realized it, I woke up 5 hours later and she was still asleep!! Charlotte ended up sleeping a total of 10 hours that first night and only woke up once to eat. I was able to get her back down in her crib for the 2nd and last stretch. The next morning I had one happy baby and I was one happy mama.
My sweet BIG girl and me!

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