Monday, May 6, 2013

6 Months

My sweet baby,
You are half a year old already! Wow! What a big girl you are. :) You have completely stolen your daddy's and my heart and everyday is such a new adventure. You've experienced going to a farm and the beach for the first time and you loved them both. Daddy and I cannot believe how quickly 6 months has already flown by... before we know it 6 more months will fly by and you will be one. Please slow down time... I want to enjoy you being my little baby for a lot longer.
I love you to the moon and back,
6  month Stats
Weight: 18.3 lbs
Length: 26 3/4 inches
Head: 16.5 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively 5-6 times a day. You are eating breakfast every morning and dinner every night. We do oatmeal and a fruit in the morning and a veggie and fruit at night. You love baby food! You've now had: pears, apples, bananas, mangoes, sweet potatoes, peas, and avocado (you hated it)!
Bedtime: following your strict bedtime routine and going down like a little angel... you slept 10 hours straight last week TWICE! But consitently you sleep 6-7 hours and then wake up, nurse, and go back down.
Awake: Awake a lot more and lots of playing is going on around here. You love the jumperoo, sitting in your high chair, and sitting up (with little assistance) playing with your toys.
Naps: You are napping WONDERFULLY now! We had to nap-train you and it was ROUGH but now you sleep up to an 1 1/2 now about 2-3 times per day. The last nap of the day is normally only 45 minutes.
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6 months in most brands but you can wear 6-12 in some. 9 months in jammies now :)
Favorites: love to be up to see everything, still doing your "ab-workout" on your back when you are playing, sitting with assistance and putting your hands down in front of you to balance, jumperoo, going on walk in your stroller (without the carseat adapter, it's more fun that way!), starting to like tummy time more, you love your tea seat and vanity set that sings songs and ANY kind of music... most recently though you LOVE Lucy and you will crack up and laugh when she is in the room :) It's adorable and melts my heart. You also are obsessed with your toes!!! You can now put them in you mouth and chew on them :) Silly girl!
Latest Tricks: smiling all the time... you are the smiliest baby! laughing out loud, babbling, cooing, talking, chewing on your toes and sitting up by yourself and putting hands down in front of you (tripod position). You also laugh and smile at Lucy which is just precious! You also started splashing the other night in the bathtub.

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