Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Eight Months

Charlotte Grace,
Little Miss 4th of July! You are full of life, laughter and of course those precious smiles. You can light up any room with your adorable personality that is shining through. You are such a sweet sweet baby! I love that you are already saying "mama" and "dada" and I just love you too much it hurts! So blessed and thankful for you everyday. I love you sweetheart.
Your Mama
8  month Stats
Weight: 20.2 lbs
Length: 27 inches
Head: 16 1/2 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively 5-6 times a day. Continuing to eat breakfast every morning and dinner every night. New foods that you've had are: broccoli, plums, kiwi and yogurt
Bedtime: You are now sleeping through the night... EVERY night! Whoo hoo! Every night you sleep 10.5-11 hours.
Awake: You are awake all the time now except for your two almost 3 naps a day. You love to play with your toys, practicing scootin' on the floor and run errands with mama... still my little sidekick and I love it!
Naps: Still taking three naps a day but you are ready to drop the last nap very soon. We are starting a stricter "time" to take naps now instead of always following "eat, play, sleep." I'd like to have you on a 10 & 2 schedule. Hopefully we can get that nailed down soon!
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6-12 months in most brands, 9 months in Carter's and 12 month jammies, you haven't grown too much this month from last month.
Favorites: You still LOVE to sit up! That's your favorite way to play because you can pull your toys closer to you and see better. You like to scoot on the floor except instead of crawling you are scooting backwards. You'll get there soon enough baby girl!
Latest Tricks: Scooting backwards on the floor, scrunching up your nose when you smile and laughing, saying "mama" "dada" "baba" and "pop pop." We are working on "bye-bye!" :) Oh you also refused the bottle this past month a few times... a post on that soon! You are just the sweetest thing ever and I just love your new tricks that you are learning.

1 comment:

  1. I started following you through Vanessa. Our babies are exactly the same age, born on November 6! I'm excited to start seeing how Charlotte grows along with my baby Daylynn.


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