Friday, July 12, 2013

FIVE on Friday!

Well I missed last week's because we were on vacation but here is my FIVE on Friday!
we got a babysitter for the FIRST time!
Clara is my sweet friend, Tamara's daughter. She just turned 15 and recently has babysat 6 month old twins! I knew I could trust her if she had been able to accomplish that! WHEW! She is super sweet and reminds me of myself when I was her age :) She had been asking to babysit since I found out I was pregnant. Tamara (her mama) and our other friend Tori and I wanted to go to a movie and since I hadn't been to the movies since I was pregnant (8+ months ago ya'll!) it was t.i.m.e. Charlotte did amazing and it was so great! Can't wait to have Miss Clara back to play with  my baby girl!
O.P.I. Cajun Shrimp
This is my FAVORITE color for summer! I seriously count down until summer so I can get my Cajun Shrimp on my toes & nails :) It's the perfect combination of red, orange and coral all mixed in together. They also now make it in shellac so I love to get that on my nails to last longer (especially with all these diaper changes that are now a part of my daily life!) :) Go get you some girls!
A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet
I mentioned three books that I just finished reading on another Five on Friday post but I just finished this one and it is SO CUTE! Everything Southern and super sweet. It made me laugh, cry and just want to become best friends with Sophie. I feel like I really know her now (even though I've been reading her blog for awhile now, she's just now my new best friend and she doesn't even know it!) Go buy this book and read her blog at
Pretty Wicked Moms

I have to admit something about myself... I'm addicted to trashy/reality tv... Okay so maybe I'm addicted to tv in general but I LOVE LOVE my shows (another post on that someday! haha!) I'm a Lifetime Television lover and when I saw the previews for this show, I laughed out loud! But O.M.G! How can there really people in this universe like this?! I started off thinking I liked Miranda the best but now Emily & Nicole are totally my favorite. Go watch it! You'll laugh!
Amazon Prime/Amazon Mom
We love it! I signed up a few months ago and with my new subscription I got three months free of Amazon Mom. Amazon Prime is AMAZING but so is Amazon Mom. I get free coupons on all baby things and with the prime/mom subscription I get free 2 day shipping. I now order all of Charlotte's diapers, wipes, diaper genie refills and any other baby things and bam! It's delivered right to my door. And not to mention we love getting packages in the mail :) This little one likes the boxes!

Join the link up here!


  1. hi! visiting from the link up!

    your Charlotte is simply precious! i love her name! i, too, LOVE amazon prime! so worth it!

    have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Thank you! And thanks for stopping by. Love having new followers and meeting new blog moms :) Eager to follow you too!

  2. love love love that color! and for the record, i'm totally addicted to trashy t.v as well! ehh. it's a weakness i'm willing to admit! found your blog through the link up!! super dang cute! just catching up on the rest of your posts! :)

  3. What a sweet family you have! I'm in Fort Worth with two kids: a 2 yr old and 4 month old. Our youngest hasn't been left with a sitter yet, so I'm trying to get over it and call one so we can go out for our wedding anniversary soon!

    My husband gets so annoyed at the GIGANTIC boxes my Amazon Mom orders come in, but I love Amazon Mom! :)

    1. Getting a sitter was so wonderful! I now am comfortable leaving her with someone other than family. I'm not quite ready to have someone come and put her to bed and watch her at night yet... but during the day I'll take that anytime! I'm thinking now of all the times when I could have gotten her to come when I needed a pedi! Haha

      Thanks for stopping by! Excited to follow you :)

  4. I am about to have a baby in December can you tell me about Amazon Mom/Prime I have never heard of it. Are the diapers cheaper?

  5. Hi There! I was hoping you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My name is Heather and my email is LifesABanquet1(at)


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