Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Nine Months

My little Sunshine,
You are growing so fast and doing so many wonderful things that I almost think this is the best phase of your life! I do miss those infant/newborn days terribly but I love how interactive you are and to see you learning new things everyday. You love to discover anything within your reach and when you say "mama" and "dada" it melts our hearts. Nine months ago you blessed our lives beyond words and life just can't get any sweeter!
I love you,
9  month Stats
Weight: 20.4 lbs
Length: 28 3/4 inches
Head: 17 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively 5-6 times a day. Continuing to eat breakfast every morning and dinner every night. New foods that you've had are: white potato and French fries, whole wheat toast, cheese, frozen yogurt and a few tastes of ice cream!
Bedtime: Still sleeping like a princess! You typically sleep 10-11.5 hours straight.
AwakeAwake most of the day besides your naps. You love to play contently with your toys and jump in your jumperoo and learn to scoot on the floor.
Naps: Still on our 3 naps a day. Morning nap and afternoon are longer usually 1-1.5 hours and the last nap of the day is catnap of about 30 minutes. Maybe ready to drop that soon!
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6-12 months in most brands, 9 months in Carter's and 12 month jammies, you haven't grown too much this month from last month and you're starting to thin out a little.
Favorites: You are obsessed with your jumperoo. You can jump in that thing forever if I let you. Your legs are so strong from it that I think you might be a big jumper like your Mommy was when she cheered. You love to scoot around and you can army crawl forward now. It won't be long until you are crawling every where! You still love your toes so much and you love to giggle and laugh when we make funny faces at you.
Latest Tricks: You can now scoot forwards! You also started 2 weeks ago waving "bye-bye" and "hi" when you see people. You are not shy and will basically go to anyone that will hold you... as long as Mama is in the room :) You laugh and giggle at everything and you have gotten to a sitting position by yourself a few times. This month has been so fast but so fun! I can't wait to see how far you've come next month... maybe pulling up? We also started giving you chunkier foods and you love to pick them up yourself and put it in your mouth. It used to end up all over the floor but you can finally get it in there yourself. What fun we are having at mealtimes now!



  1. Welcome back from vacation! I hope you had a good time while you were out of town!
    The stroller we have is actually the City select. It is the one that you can have 2 seats on. I actually wish I had the one you have! I like mine but it is anything but lightweight. I thought I would want a stroller that converted to a double but Autumn is so over the stroller now that I doubt I will ever use it as one.

    I'm doing a giveaway on my blog tomorrow from an Etsy shop that makes little girls' hair clips. Make sure you stop by and enter!

    1. I hit publish before I was ready..ooops! I love Charlotte's watermelon outfit!! She is seriously one of the cutest little girls ever! Her face in that last picture is adorable!

  2. She is too cute and getting big!!! Happy 9 months little miss!!

  3. She is too stinkin' cute, perfect little face! My little one is 9 months too :)

    Instagram: megawat


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