Friday, June 21, 2013

FIVE on Friday!

1. Charlotte is ALMOST crawling...
We are pushing up and scootin' folks! I can't believe how strong she is getting. I know I shouldn't wish for it but I can't help but see her reach the next milestone. I'm not ready for her to be mobile quite yet... but I do love that she's right on target!

2. Resale shops!

I've recently discovered both of these little places and they are GEMS! I have never been the type of person to want to buy used things, but now that I have a child... used books, used puzzles, used toys (some) are great in my opinion. I've recently bought Charlotte lots of board books and wooden puzzles all for like $2-$4 a piece! Some were even a $1.50! WOW!

3. Charlotte's First Birthday Is Planned!
I know... she is only 7.5 months old but a mama can never be too prepared right??? My Mom and I have been going back and forth with ideas for her party for awhile now and I realized the other day... since I love anything vintage/antique and I love tea sets, pearls, lace, silver, etc... why not have a tea party for her first birthday!? I have been dreaming of the day to have a tea party with my baby girl... so I think that's what we will do... have a tea party for her birthday! In order to get in the mood, I dressed her up and we had our own for practice :) I think she is too precious in my pearls playing with my china and silver tea set!

4. READ these books!
1. 2.
I LOVE a good summer read. I always tend to lean towards chic-lit books like Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin and don't get me wrong I love me some Nicholas Sparks... but I recently found these three books about parenting and being a mom, and I have to say I'm in love!

1. Pray Big for your Child- All about raising faithful kids... encouraging them and encouraging you as a parent. Amazing!
2. Loving the Little Years- I read this book and then I read it again and again! It's funny, an easy read and gave me some encouragement and perspective about raising young kids.
3. Sparkly Green Earrings- I just finished this book last night and I honestly could not! A lot of blog readers out there might be familiar with Big Mama's blog. I LOVE her! I've been reading her blog for sometime now and I love lots of things about her... she went to A&M... WHOOP! She lives in San Antonio and is a fellow Texan and I love her story of raising her daughter. This book is memoir of her life and it is written just like her blog... even Beth Moore gave it a rec! READ it!!

5. We're getting WOOD floors!
I'm soooo excited to finally get rid of our carpet in the living room and dining room. I have big plans to redo our décor in our house. It will be slowly and in "phases" but I'm so excited to begin the first phase! Pictures of our real floors to come soon :) Don't you love google photos? Haha!

Join the craze & link up here! Happy Friday!


  1. I'm excited to read these books, thank you for the recommendations! Your daughter is SO cute!

    1. Your very welcome :) Thank you, your daughter is beautiful! Loved reading your FIVE this week!

  2. My daughter is 7.5 months too and I'm already planning her party!! :) So much fun! I have heard that Pray Big for your child is good! I will have to check it out! I loved both a sparkly agreement Earrings and Loving the Little Years. Have you read "A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet"? Highly recommend! :) Happy Friday!:)

    1. You will absolutely love all three books, so glad you're going to check them out. And no I haven't read "A Little Salty to Cut the Sweet" but I LOVE Boomama! That is going to be my next read... I've heard so many wonderful reviews. And you can't ever start too early planning :)

  3. Stumbled upon your blog from the link up. Thank you for the book recommendations. I have been looking for some good books as they will come in very handy here before too long :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by! Love your blog & your sweet baby girl. Your very welcome on the recommendations. I always love some good summer reads :)

  4. Love the first bday theme! Your girl is a doll!

    1. Thanks! We will see how it will turn out :) I'm pinteresting away! haha

  5. what a little cutie your girl is!!! and i will be the same way about birthday parties for my little guy... can't ever be too prepared- so much fun!

    have a great weekend!

  6. What a great list! Wood floors are the best for kids + pups. I wish we didn't have carpet. Ugh! I'm with you on the used kid's stuff. It's so nice to find toys/clothes that have barely been used for so little.


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