Friday, June 7, 2013

Seven Months

Little Miss C,
Your personality is just the cutest thing ever. You laugh and smile at everyone and everything and it's just the best. You are Daddy's and my light of our lives. We don't know what life would be like without you in it. I'm so thankful that God blessed ME and Daddy as your parents. What a gift you are! "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."
Love you forever,

7  month Stats
Weight: 19.5 lbs
Length: 26 1/2 inches
Head: 16 1/2 inches
Eating: nursing exclusively 5-6 times a day. Continuing to eat breakfast every morning and dinner every night. You've now had: pears, apples, bananas, mangoes, sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, blueberries, peaches, butternut squash, carrots, winter squash and green beans.
Bedtime: Still following bedtime routine. In the past month you have slept a few nights 11 hours straight!! Mama was so happy (and well rested!) On an average though you sleep 8-9 hours straight, nurse and then go back down. We do start our morning around 8:30 or 9.
Awake: You are awake so much more now and it's so fun to see you interacting more with your toys and sitting up. You also are taking in everything. Soo observant! When you are awake you are either playing with your toys or going on errands with mama. I love you being my little sidekick.
Naps: Still napping like a champ. You take 3 naps a day. Morning nap is always longer around an hour and a half and afternoon naps are around 1 hour to 45 minutes. You will nap the best in your crib but you will still nap in the stroller or carseat.
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6-12 months in most brands, 9 months in Carter's and although you still fit in your 9 month jammies we just bumped you to 12 month tonight to give you more room in the toes.
Favorites: You love to sit up! Since it's one of your newest tricks you want to do it all the time now to play. It makes it so much more fun because you can see everything so much better. You love bathtime and splashing. You also love the pool! (We just finished swimming lessons so I'll update on that soon!) Still loving your toes and holding onto them whenever you can. You love love love Lucy! You just pulled her tail for the first time yesterday! So cute but poor Lucy!!
Latest Tricks: Still smiling all the time... my happy smiley baby. Sitting up like a big girl is the best! You also love to splash whenever you are in water. You got me SOAKING wet the other night and it was hilarious... you just laughed and laughed at me! The best trick though is giving "kisses." We say, "Charlotte, give me a kiss." And you will lean over and plant a big slobbery one with your mouth open wide on our cheek. It just totally melts my heart! I love those sweet kisses.

Oh me? I'm 7 Months?

Cute as can be!

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