Friday, April 19, 2013

5 Months Old

Charlotte Grace,
You are growing way too fast for this mama! Your smile still lights up the room and my heart everytime you give me that big grin. You are very aware of your surroundings and Lucy is already your new best friend... a friendship that I know will last forever :) Your Daddy and I love you SO much and cannot believe we are nearing the 1/2 year mark! You bring so much joy to our lives and without you life would now not be possible.
I love you so much sweetheart,
5  month Stats
Weight: 17.7 lbs
Length: ?? I'm thinking 25 or 25.5 inches
Head: ?? I'm guessing 16.5
Eating: nursing exclusively 6-7 times a day. You tasted your first taste of rice cereal at 4.5 months and now you've branched off into trying pears, sweet potatoes and peas. You LOVE them all! You did try avocado and HATED it. I think we'll try it again in a few months.
Bedtime: still following your strict bedtime routine of bath, lotion/massage, jammies and storytime then nurse and sleep. You have now been "loosly" sleep trained... I had to let you "cry-it-out" the Ferber way after two weeks of dealing with the "4 month sleep regression." You now sleep 6.5-7 hours, wake to nurse and then go back down for another 3-4 sometimes 5 hours. You're getting there girl!
Awake: You are awake now so much! I love this because we get more time to play however, I do not get things done around the house now. You are awake sometimes up to 3 hours before taking a nap and when you do...
Naps: you only now sleep for about 30 minutes per nap! Which leads me to again not getting things done around the house. We are working very hard on getting you to only nap in your crib but occasionally I'll let you snooze in your swing still. We are almost ready to pack that thing up! That will be a VERY sad day!
Diapers: size 3
Clothes: 6 months in most brands but you can wear 6-12 in some. 6 month pjs still but your toes are getting too be a little cramped. I think we need to bust out the 9 month pjs soon.
Favorites: you love to be up all the time. you don't enjoy being on your back anymore. when you are on your back you do this little "ab stretch" because you want to be sitting up by yourself so badly. you are ALMOST there girl! you still like your bumbo, of course your fav... the swing, you are recently loving your jumperoo more. you love to watch Lucy, play with mama and daddy and you've been splashing us a lot in your bath at night... it's soo cute! oh you also like your new fancy high chair :) basically anything that you can be in that will allow you to look around and sit up  you LOVE.
Latest Tricks: you can roll from tummy to back and back to tummy (but you don't do it everytime), you are ALMOST sitting up on your own, smiling all the time, laughing out loud, you've found your voice you like to "talk" constantly... I think you will be talking in paragraphs when you do start talking :)

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