Monday, April 1, 2013

Top 10 Baby Things I Love

Since becoming a Mom, I've found the top 10 items that I could do not do without! Many of my friends that recently have become pregnant ask me all the time, what are the top things that you love? What would you register for? I've composed my favorites here...

1. Bumbo seat & tray: When Charlotte turned 3 1/2 months old she was ready to sit by herself with assistance of course. The bumbo seat has been wonderful to put her in so she can get some play time without always being on her back. The tray also came in handy when we didn't have our high chair yet and we were ready to start solids.
2. Sophie & Sophie Teether: Every baby needs a Sophie Giraffe and Sophie teether. It's become really handy lately now that she's teething and chewing on everything. The Sophie Giraffe squeaks and gives comfort to her gums and the teether is a great little toy to throw in the diaper bag. They are easy to clean and of course super cute!
3. MAM Pacifiers: When we brought home Charlotte from the hospital she was using the soothies that the hospital had given us but they would never stay in her mouth. We tried Tommy Tippee, Avent, and Nuk but she hated all of them. My mom happened to see these cute MAM ones in HEB and decided to try these. They have been her favorite and she has now progressed from the 0 size to the 0-3 month size. They are really cute and come with lots of different designs on the round part. They also can be put in the baby's mouth any way, meaning that there isn't a right or upside down side. Makes it easy when you're managing at a stop light to put the paci back in your baby's mouth :)
4. Hava CHIC Sling: I couldn't wait to use a baby sling when Charlotte arrived. I had tried several others but she hated them all and then we discovered the Hava. I found it at a local organic baby boutique in Cy-Fair area and I love that you can adjust it to your comfort. It has a shoulder pad for comfort and you can wear your baby many different ways: tummy to tummy (her favorite), facing out, or cradle (easy to breastfeed with). I use this sling EVERY time we go to the grocery store or running errands when I don't want to bring in the stroller. It also has a cute pocket on the "tail" to put your keys, wallet or phone in. It comes in many different patterns too! This is my pattern: autumn.
5. Medela Bottles: Although I exclusively breastfeed Charlotte... she does occasionally take a bottle when we are out and about or lately trying fruit juice. I basically love everything Medela but these bottles seem to be her favorite.
6. Sleep Sheep: I don't know what I would do without the sleep sheep. We have the regular sized sheep attached to her crib and then we have a travel sleep sheep to take with us in the car or when we travel. They are soft and do four different sounds. Charlotte's favorite is the "ocean"... she goes "surfing" every night in her dreams :)
7. Summer Infant Monitor: I love this monitor! I have a lot of friends that have the Motorola monitor but this one seems to work perfectly for us. The hand held device is small and in color. And the part that is in her room captures sound and works in a pitch dark room. I also forgot to mention that it has a cool feature that allows you to "talk" back to your baby when you are on your way to their room.
8. City Mini Stroller: I LOVE my stroller. It is very lightweight, easy to fold, and very convienent to take basically any where you go. I don't think I'll ever need an umbrella stroller for quick trips because this stroller does it all. I currently have the car seat adapter hooked onto it but I know we will love the "lay back" feature once she is ready to use it without the adapter.
9. Snug-a-Bunny Swing: I don't know what we would have done without this swing. It has been Charlotte's favorite thing in the whole world (besides her mommy and daddy of course!) She consistantly napped in it until recently but she still loves to swing in it while I'm cooking dinner or just hanging out. We will be very sad the day that she outgrows it but I recommend ANY swing to a new parent... especially this one :)
10. Boon Flair High Chair: This has been our most recent baby purchase but I LOVE LOVE this high chair. After doing lots of research and talking to other mama's this was "the one" to buy. It's the easiest to clean, very sleek and modern and the coolest part is that it is adjustable. We can adjust it later on when she isn't using the tray to sit up at our kitchen table. What a great high chair!

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